Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My favorite

I have a favorite child . . . it is not Harper.  Okay, that's a horrible thing to say, but she has been so difficult lately I definitely prefer Ryden.

She screams, cries, and hits me when something doesn't go her way.  He does this too, but he's 17 months old so it's more understanding.

She refuses to take naps, go to bed at night, sleep in her own bed, etc.  Ryden nurses, gives Harper a hug lays in his bed with his pacifier and goes to sleep, at 7:30.  Granted he wakes up every couple hours but it's a routine.

Plus, Ryden he's just so nice.  He gives kisses and hugs on demand.  He's happy and smiley.  Tonight he wanted to build with MegaBlocs so came and touched my leg, went over to the tub, repeat until I caught on and opened the tub for him.  Someone else, dumped out the entire tub and made a hazard in the house.  I told Ryden to pick up the blocks and he jumped right in.  Harper picked up zero blocks.

I know that she will grow out of this phase (at least I hope so) and that he will most likely move into it.  For now though, Ryden gets the loving, caring mom and Harper gets the annoyed, crabby mom.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Iowa State Fair

I wrote this tiny post almost three weeks ago, but because I'm too ridiculous to upload pictures from my phone it has taken me this long to just post without pictures.  Follow me on Instagram to see pictures @beckyfinck

This weekend we went to the Iowa State Fair with my whole family.

Harper was so excited to go.  Her 'I'm still sleepy' turned into perky and wide awake when she realized it was fair day and not a school/daycare day.

She got to eat her hot dog on a stick that she was promised.  She got to see the butter cow which she said was her favorite thing.  And she went on her first ride ever!

Then she got to stay in a hotel and go swimming.  How much fun was her weekend?

It was fun, but I HATE being gone all weekend and going into the first full week of school has been exhausting.

Butterfly parade

Yay for fun free things!

This morning went to the band parade.  We parked away and walked, too bad I didn't plan very well and we didn't have stroller.  Harper did awesome though, she walked there and back without complaining or asking to be carried once.

Then we got to listen to some fun music.  Both kids loved it, even though we missed the beginning since we had to walk so far.

To follow, we went to the monarch watch on campus and got to check out some caterpillars, chrysalis, and butterflies.  

What are those butterflies doing?
Harper even held a butterfly.  I didn't think she would and it was questionable, but she mustered up enough courage to do it.

This one is almost there . . . the other one has a few more days.
To top it off we got to bring home two chrysalis.  Harper is pretty excited about HER butterfly.