Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ryden's 1

A year ago today, Ryden made his entrance into the world.  I don't know how I could ever forget the details of his birth, but if I'm anything like my mom (and I know I am) I better record the event.

Friday April 15, 2011 I woke up and got ready to go to work like every other day.  I was getting impatient for Ryden to be born (he was due the 11th), but had decided that he liked tight spaces so much that he would probably stay in there for another week or so.  While I got Harper ready though, I started having contractions. When we got in the car to leave, I told Nate I didn't think I would probably make it through the whole day of work.

My labor with Harper had lasted forever so going to work while in labor didn't seem like a crazy idea.  So, I dropped Harper off at daycare and went to work.  Things started progressing rapidly once I got to work and by 10:00 I decided to work with one more student and leave.  I clocked out at 10:45.  At 2:44 Ryden was born.

In those 4 hours I picked up the house, did some laundry and picked up Nate from work.  Nate convinced me that I needed to go to the hospital when we did (I think we pulled into the parking lot at 12:30).  They got me checked in and hooked up with some penicillin (for Group B strep) and things went very fast.  They were waiting for a round of penicillin to be done before they broke my water or let me push and I definitely wasn't getting 2 rounds in like you're supposed to.  So, they broke my water when I started pushing and he was born shortly after.  It was an amazing drug free labor and delivery that was a lot easier on me than Harper's (I will post that story someday soon before I forget what happened :) )

Ryden Paul (it took us a long time to figure out the middle name) was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/4 inches long.  He began nursing and was an expert from the beginning.

3 months
In the first weeks and months he got FAT.  Ryden was a chunky baby gaining weight like crazy.  Even as a baby he was pretty happy and willing to go to anyone.

In the last year, he has gotten so big and has shown us his amazing personality.  He is easy to smile and laugh and pretty laid back for the most part.  Sometimes he gets shy, but isn't as dependent on me as Harper was, definitely a people person.

I can't wait to see how he continues to develop and reach new and exciting milestones (like walking - I'm ready kid lets do it already).  

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